Profile PictureJohan Sparr

A self-published Indie author, with an interest in writing, and reading. In the genre is Victorian Urban Fantasy. As a lifelong devotee of fantasy and science fiction, Johan Sparr's imagination has been shaped by the imaginative worlds of Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, and Jim Butcher among countless others. His fascination with the magical and the unknown began in his early teenage years when he stumbled upon Pratchett's Discworld series. The Discworld's unique blend of humor, adventure, and sheer imagination sparked a passion that has only grown stronger with time. When not conjuring up new tales, Johan is a devoted family man, a loving father of two, and a proud husband. His home in the picturesque Swedish town of Bollnäs is filled with books, plants, and an adorable feline companion named Purr. The lush forests and mythical landscapes of Scandinavia continue to inspire his writing, as does his love of history, folklore, and the mystery that lies just beyond the edge of our everyday world. Welcome to the world of Johan Sparr, where imagination knows no bounds, and magic is just a step around the corner.

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